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"Points of View" Thinking Lessons

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The purpose of the "Points of View Thinking Lessons" is to broaden perception. How we choose to frame or look at a situation is as important as how we then apply judgement.


These first seven lessons are free to use by parents, guardians and teachers. (This means on this website, or to print and use with your family or the school that you are a teacher, but not for further distribution or commercial use). 

Summary of Points of View lessons

PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting) is a structured approach to being open-minded. Without it our emotional reaction narrows the way we look at a situation.  


CAF (Consider All Factors) is for considering the factors that are beyond the obvious.


C&S (Consequence and Sequel) is about looking ahead, predicting, anticipating. It is about the future.


AGO (Aims, Goals and Objectives) is to be clear on the purpose of our thinking - what we are seeking to achieve.


FIP (First Important Priorities) is for deciding which things are most important.


APC (Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices) is for creating alternatives. How else something might be done.

OPV (Other People’s Views) is about empathy - how someone else might think about this.

Implementation: These lessons have been in use and adapted over 40 years. The thinking tools are designed to be used for home schooling or in a formal classroom setting with any age group from 8 - 18 years (ideal age range is 8-11). It is recommended to spend 30 to 40 minutes on one lesson a week.


In addition to the digital version below, this is also available in a print book format.

The Teacher Guide is available as a wire bound A5 manual here

The Student work cards can be downloaded here or purchased here

For international orders you may prefer the lighter version of the Teacher's Guide. (This has the same material but is saddle stitched and has no notes pages, which is why it is lighter). 


There are five short videos introducing these lessons to teachers and parents here


Please contact us for teacher training and additional rights to reproduce these materials.

The learning resources available are listed below. It is recommended that you first look at the PMI lesson preparation and workcard to understand what a typical lesson involves. Then read the theory and method sections that are relevant to you, before returning to the lessons.


Theory and Method.jpg

Explanation of the theory and method for the parent, teacher or self directed learner.


Lesson preparation.


Lesson Work card.

Theory and method


From Dr. Edward de Bono

The role of the teacher

The role of the teacher

If you are teaching others

Teaching groups

Teaching groups

If you are teaching groups

Lesson preparation

A model lesson

How to structure a lesson

PMI lesson plan

1. PMI lesson plan

Teaching PMI

PMI lesson

1. PMI lesson workcard

Treatment of ideas

CAF lesson plan

2. CAF lesson plan

Teaching CAF

CAF lesson

2. CAF lesson workcard

The factors involved

C&S lesson plan

3. C&S lesson plan

Teaching C&S

C&S lesson workcard

3. C&S lesson workcard


AGO lesson plan

4. AGO lesson plan

Teaching AGO

AGO lesson workcard

4. AGO lesson workcard


FIP lesson plan

5. FIP lesson plan

Teaching FIP

FIP lesson workcard

5. FIP lesson workcard


APC lesson plan

6. APC lesson plan

Teaching APC

APC lesson workcard

6 APC lesson workcard


OPV lesson plan

7. OPV lesson plan

Teaching OPV

OPV lesson workcard

7. OPV lesson workcard

Other People's views

50 extra practice items

50 extra practice items


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