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Unauthorised providers of the de Bono® methods
While Dr. de Bono's methods are popular this does not give anyone the right to claim to be authorised by de Bono®. We invest in ensuring a high level of quality of training and materials for our authorised providers for the benefit of our customers. Authorised providers use the de Bono trademarks.

If you are concerned about contracting the services of an unauthorised provider of the de Bono methods then please contact us at and we will keep your identity confidential.
Unauthorised providers are likely to be infringing intellectual property rights and offering you an inferior service. If you believe you have already paid for such services, then please also contact us as we may be able to help you. We are offering free access to some authorised services and materials for anyone who provides information which leads to us identifying and stopping unauthorised service providers.
Edward de Bono is the originator and author of many Works on the teaching of thinking as a skill, including but not limited to Lateral Thinking and The Six Thinking Hats®. The de Bono Intellectual Property rights (de Bono IP), includes the copyrights in these Works and associated trademarks. The de Bono IP is owned, managed and licensed by Edward de Bono Ltd, trading as de Bono.
The phrase “de Bono” and “Six Thinking Hats” are two of a number of de Bono trademarks protected in multiple jurisdictions around the world. Their unauthorised use is likely to confuse customers as to whether the services marketed to and or sold to them are affiliated with, connected to, associated with or sponsored by Dr. de Bono. The law protects trademark holders against misuse of their trademarks and the potential damage done to the trademarks and associated brands by unauthorised users misrepresenting them. Any unauthorised reproduction and or demonstration of Dr. de Bono’s work, irrespective of whether a fee is charged, may be an infringement of de Bono’s trademarks and copyrights.
Only companies and trainers with active accreditations are licensed to provide the de Bono methods. Anyone training these methods outside this authorised network are likely to be infringing on our protected copyrights and trademarks. Any customer of these unauthorised trainers may also be liable if they purchase copies of protected materials. Furthermore, we cannot vouch for the quality of the training that unauthorised trainers provide.
We recertify trainers every two years to ensure high standards. Trainers who do not recertify are no longer authorised to provide the de Bono methods. Our investment includes investing in IP protection as the law provides.
If you are making unauthorised use of the de Bono IP then we are asking you to stop now.
We encourage you to contact our authorised training providers to get the best from de Bono.